Greetings! It's time for my newest project for the Smeared and Smudged 12 Days of Creepmas! We are quickly reaching the end of this fun ride, and the time has gone SO fast! Having both of my kids Birthdays in December really makes it hard for me to keep up with everything! For this card, I used my beloved Bombshell Stamps.
This card is super glittery! I used Girl's Ruin and Holiday Accessory for this card. Don'tcha just lover her Santa hat?
Seriously, where I can I get these shoes in my size? If you haven't noticed, I changed the sentiment a bit....
It now says "All I really want.....isyou shoes!" I think I may add a few rhinestones or black pearls to this....I kinda ran out of time! But, in person, it does have a lot of impact from all the glitter. But really, can you ever have too much glitter? I think not!
Please be sure to visit the rest of the Jolly Bloggers. They are all listed in my side bar. And over at the Bombshell Blog, this month's Pin-Up is sharing her challenge with you! So please check that out as well. Thanks for stopping by! Have a creeptastic day!
This card is super glittery! I used Girl's Ruin and Holiday Accessory for this card. Don'tcha just lover her Santa hat?
Seriously, where I can I get these shoes in my size? If you haven't noticed, I changed the sentiment a bit....
It now says "All I really
Please be sure to visit the rest of the Jolly Bloggers. They are all listed in my side bar. And over at the Bombshell Blog, this month's Pin-Up is sharing her challenge with you! So please check that out as well. Thanks for stopping by! Have a creeptastic day!
susan s.