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TTIC #48 Bond Between Brothers

Happy Tuesday! It’s time for another fantastic Twilight Tuesday Inspiration Challenge! This week’s challenge is brought to us by Jacquie. Here’s the scoop:

As New Moon movie release approaches we are seeing amazing pictures of the Wolfpack who become Jacob's Brothers. In New Moon the wolf pack play an important part in Jacob's life and the effect they have on the Quilute community. This also affects the Cullen family, they have a treaty with the Cullens and in time see that they all need to work together to rid Forks of the bad Vamps. This week we will be focusing on the Bond between brothers and how we apply that to our human lives. Women can lean on each other and we are strong all on our own but now and again we need that males presence as a brother, husband, best friend as a grounding a safe place to be. We see that in Bella's need for Jacob.
Craft Portion: Make something that refects brotherhood... Be inspired by the wolf pack, Edward and Jasper/Emmitt, even the relationship between Bella and Jacob. Make a scrapbook page, a card for your brother or maybe a book for that special guy in your life. Celebrate brothers in any way you would like. (this would be a good chance to find those awesome pictures of the New Moon Wolfpack)
Comment Portion: Talk about the brotherhood in your life... Do you have an amazing brother that has been there for you thick and thin? Do you have the best guy friends that have your back when times get rough?

I don’t have any brothers. But, Miss Rhi does! So, I decided to make a layout showcasing the first time Big Brother Phoenix met his Little Sister Rhiannon.


Please click on the photo to see it bigger. There are so many sweet things in this picture, and I used a lot of cool stuff on my layout that you can’t really see in such a small photo. Here’s a close up.


Phoenix was really uncomfortable being at the hospital. Unfamiliar territory and all… But when he finally got comfortable enough to hang in my room and even get on my bed; this was one of the first times he really took a good look at his baby sister. No, you can’t see his face here, but he’s got his “security blanket” pink Miracle Gro hat on, and he’s sitting with his Obasan (Japanese for Aunt; that’s what he calls my sis Monica), holding on to her. So, that tells you what’s going on in his mind a bit. He’s a bit nervous and uncomfortable, but he knew everything would be ok. He was really looking forward to becoming a Big Brother. I love this picture. And I think the layout is pretty cute too!

And as always, our Design Team has fantastic projects to display for this week’s challenge – please go and check them out!

Dani ~Donna ~ Erica ~ Eve ~

Jacquie ~ Jen ~ Julie (is out sick this week) ~ Margie ~ Rebecca


Jacqueline said…
What a sweet layout!! I just love this picture, it is so cute for the older siblings to see the new baby! you did a wonderful job, you added the perfect elements to this page! :D
Erica said…
The layout is fantastic. I love the colors. Those flowers are perfect and funky! Great picture! Thanks for telling the story! I am sure that Phoenix is the best big brother any girl could ask for!
This is so sweet Alison. I love your layout and your story about your son meeting his sister for the first time is so sweet. You and Donna are going to convince me to start trying layouts, even if I have to go kicking and screaming. Gorgeous work girl!
ellepaulette said…
Awwww, this is so sweet! Such a wonderful layout for such a special moment. :)
Beth said…
That is SO sweet! It is such an honor how you share with us!! This layout is perfect - so sweet and special. Great pic - just GREAT. I need to go dig out my thesaurus. Beautiful job, Ali - as always!
Awww, what a sweet layout! I love the pic and all of the lil details! Adorable! :*)
~ margie
Eve said…
You tell the best stories! I know I tell you that ALL THE TIME! But it is so true! Thanks for sharing. The layout is amazing as well!
Unknown said…
ANOTHER amazing and gorgeous layout...OME Ali!! You always inspire me...You know how I hate doing a layout but you ALWAYS inspire me to do better...I LOVE this story of Phoenix and Rhi...Eve is sooooo right you always have the best stories....Beautiful work sweetie...You rocked this challenge!!! Xx
LOVE your LO! Such a sweet choice for the scrapbook and you do have a gift for storytelling :-)

How did Rhi's blessing go??? Your favors from that were simply awesome, too!
Julie said…
I agree with what everyone else has said -- you DO have the best stories to tell on your blog and with your creations. And it's lovely of you to share them all with your readers! I just LOVE seeing this amazing pic -- what a moment. You've captured it so well with this layout.

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