So, after my “Think Pink” Post I had put up last week, I had gotten a LOT of feedback about the photograph. Basically, everyone wanted to know what kind of camera I have and how I did it.
I have a Cannon Powershot Digital Elph SD850IS. This is not some super expensive SLR or anything, just a regular Powershot. It is the second greatest gift my husband ever gave me (the first is my engagement ring!)! If you have a Cannon, you probably have the ability to do this nifty trick.
Here is an examples of Color Accenting:
Basically, you choose the color that you want accented in your photos. The rest is in black and white. Here, obviously, I chose the orange of the pumpkins.

Here, I chose the red on Phoenix’s clothes.
Again, I chose red. Now, because our skin has some pink pigmentation, the camera (depending on the light) will pick up some of that pigmentation. You can really see this on Rhiannon. So, how do you do it???
First, if I could take pics of my camera I would but… not really possible, so please bear with me as I try to explain the symbols. They’re pretty simple so you shouldn’t have a problem.
Go to your “Manual” setting; indicated with an “M".” Hit your Function button. A menu should appear on the side. At the top, should be another “M” for Manual. At the bottom of your screen should be a variety of letters and symbols. On my camera, moving over one from the “M” is a “D” for digital Macro-which is the setting I use for photos of my projects. One more symbol to the right of that is an “A” with a little dropper symbol with it. This is the Color Accent function. Highlight that function by scrolling over to it and hit your Function key again.
Your screen will go black and white. At the bottom of your screen you should see the dropper with “Disp” next to it. Hit your Display button. You should now see a little box pop up at the bottom of your screen and the screen should be flashing from B& W to color. Choose the color you want accented. Hit your scroll pad to the left to pick your color. If you’re happy with your choice, hit Display again. You’re ready to rock and roll now! Your screen should be black and whit with your accented color showing.
Now, these are specific to my camera, but my sis has a similar model, and the same instructions apply. Feel free to ask me any questions you have. Have fun using this easy and super fun technique!!!