Hello! If you frequent my blog, then you know that I love scrapbooking. I don't often have a lot of time to do it, but it is one of my biggest passions. Well, when I saw that Sweet Pea Stamps was having a contest to incorporate their beautiful stamps into layouts. I quickly went through all of my Sweet Pea images (I have quite a number of them), and thought about which ones would work best in the photos I had. Here's what I came up with. I LOVE ching-chou kuik's Aloha stamp. It's beautiful. But I wasn't sure if I could get a Mother/Daughter mermaid stamp to work....But, I think I did! I remembered that I had taken these photos of us a couple of month's ago during one of Rhiannon's Special Days at school (she goes to a co-op nursery school, so the parents get to participate on a rotation). I thought it would be fun to match the colors we were wearing. So, I colored the Aloha stamp to coordinate with us. I colored the image with watercolor markers
A Pillow Book is a diary of sorts. It doesn't just talk about the day's events, but contains lists, observations, conversations, musings, anything the writer feels like writing about really. 21st Century is because this is a modern pillow book, since it's done on a computer. This is me. This is what my life is all about. I will let you into my head a bit... feel what I'm feeling, see what I'm creating, understand what I'm learning. Enjoy my journey right along with me!